Brother Keneth is a metal player turned monk in Kansas City.
As Brother Keneth was serving food to homeless youth and trying to recruit them into the fold, Caspian Keyes comes up to him asking to join. When he is cleaning, Brother Keneth looks in on Caspian teaching math and sees him get carried away with an equation before deleting a video a student took of him. During lunch, he confronts Caspian about his outburst and asks if he is running for someone. Caspian tells him he is running from himself and he tells Caspian that most of the Christians at the covent believe their destiny is predetermined, but that they also have free will and can possibly alter their fate if they choose so.
Brother Keneth is a man in his thirties with short brown hair and brown eyes. He has tattoos on his hands.
Brother Keneth is kind and welcoming of strangers. He is respectful of people’s privacy and only pries if he feels he can help.