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Senator Scharff is a conservative senator.


When Ellen Kim is called to testify before congress, Senator Scharff is one of the senators selected to question her. After Ellen gives vague answers, he shows her a video of Cody Lowell testifying, saying he knows others were uploaded, but claims to not know who they are.

Later, he is interviewed by a conservative television station and he attempts to paint Ellen as unreliable in her office. When Peter Waxman is called to testify before congress, Waxman gives no information on the current state of UI research at Logorhythms, only stating nothing is happening with that kind of research. However, Ellen finds a recording Waxman took while on Svalbard and reveals the information to the senate, disguising it as a fact she thought they already knew. Is attempts to catch her in a lie to no avail as Elaine Rivera, another senator on the committee, orders the FBI to investigate.


Senator Scharff is a man with white hair and a light complexion.


Senator Scharff is quick to attempt to discredit anyone he sees as a threat and is willing to put others in danger to get things back to normal.
