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You Must Be Caspian is the sixth episode of the first season of the AMC+ animated sci-fi drama, Pantheon.


The flaw takes its toll on Laurie; Caspian's and Maddie's worlds finally collide; Chanda builds his own reality.


As Caspian Keyes is driving through a rural desert town with Cary diving in and out of consciousness, he comes across a hospital, but Cary rejects it as Logorhythms with find them if he is admitted.

At the Kim house, the Kims and the Lowells are searching for Caspian but find that he skipped school and his fake girlfriend's socia media has been seemingly abandoned. David Kim feels that by contacting Caspian, they could alter his destiny and stop him from cracking integrity. As Laurie Lowell searches the files, she starts to glitch and Cody Lowell fears the flaw will take its toll on her soon.

In the desert, Cary insists they have to remain hidden as Caspian says he has a possible contact. Cary reveals his true last name to Caspian and that he was forced to act like a jerk to project Caspian on the right path. However, Cary say what it was doing to Caspian and had second thoughts. Caspian asks more questions but Cary passes out before he can say more.

Maddie Kim insists she could call him as Ellen Kim believes she finds it strange how Maddie possibly found the one person who could fix the flow. David states that he was the only one who solved Laurie’s equation and Maddie mentions he saw similarities between how David and Laurie communicated through emojis. David believes it is no coincidence as Caspian calls the number Maddie gave him and Justine ignores him.

Vinod Chanda creates a digital landscape for Uploaded Intelligence in a three dimensional tower mockup taken from Ajit Prasad. He sees a picture of Prasad with his family and rewrites it with a picture of him and his mother. He asks the entities for pictures of their families but they say nothing. Chonda expresses regret for killing Prasad's family and expresses his desire to create a new world of Uploaded Intelligences just as one of the enteties glitches and falls apart.

Maddie and Laurie state they should seek out Chonda, but Cody and Ellen are against it. As David and Laurie tell the others about their alternative for the cure involving merging code to create a new entity and form a new mind, Justine calls Maddie to tell her Caspian has been calling. She patches Maddie in and listens in. Caspian tells Maddie he is coming to Sacramento and she puts him on speaker. Caspian says his “father” was shot and they cannot go to a hospital as Logorhythms will find them. Ellen tells Caspian to meet them in the parking lot of the Sacramento Raceway at one the following afternoon and hangs up.

In Norway, Julius Pope is laying on a couch in Stephen Holstrom's office when Karl Van Leuwen enters. Van Leuwen deduces that Pope is angry they were hacked and Caspian is missing. Van Leuwen touches on Pope's fear of death and Pope states he hoped to be as brave as Holstrom as he knew he would never be as smart as him. Van Leuwen states that Caspian can still fulfill Holstrom's desire to crack integrity and their goal is not over.

Caspian reaches Sacramento Raceways and meets up with Cody and the Kims. They get out of their cars and Maddie notices blood on Caspian’s shirt . Upon seeing Cary, Ellen insists they need to take him to a hospital, but everyone questions how not to lead Logorhythms back to them by doing so. Cody insists he can use a fake name to check in Cary and tells Caspian to head back with the Kims. Caspian is reluctant until Maddie reveals they know the threat Logorhythms is and know what Caspian is. Caspian then agrees to leave Cary with Cody and goes with the Kims.

In India, Alliance customers are rioting due to lack of service as Conda's mother speaks with her neighbor. The neighbor reveals the government is taking over the company. Meanwhile, Chonda holds a funeral for the fallen entity as his mother calls. He says he cannot talk as his mother mentions someone named Laurie called and Chonda tells his mother to leave Mumbai as she might be in danger.

As Ellen drives, Maddie and Caspian sit in the back seats. When asks who shot him “father”, Caspian says Cary is not his father and his shooter was not his wife. Caspian says he does not know where his mother is asks if her husband has reached a hospital. Maddie clarifies how everyone is connected and explains that Laurie and her father are the first and second people to be uploaded respectively. Caspian asks how they know about him and, upon return to her house, Maddie takes him to her room and shows him his files from Logorhythms. Maddie asks if he could talk with her father, but Caspian insists he cannot help and he is going through something. Maddie storms out of her room and runs outside. Ellen calls David, who reveals he was listening in, and speaks with Maddie. Caspian looks through the files and finds a recording of Holdtrom talking to Van Leuwen.

David tells Maddie Caspian will help her as soon as he comes to terms with his revelation. Justine arrives and Maddie hangs up. Justine states she wants to know what is going on but respects Maddie’s privacy and that she will be there for her.

In the desert, Cody goes off-road and pulls under a bridge. He parks and wipes off his fingerprints. As he walks off, ready to leave Cary to die, he has a chance of heart. Cary begs Cody to just leave him to die, but Cody insists on saving him.

As Caspian watches the recordings, he learns Holstrom's father broke his mother’s arm and that he cared for his mother, but not her opinions. When Holstrom mentions his original name was Phineas and that he hated it, Caspian thinks of the reactions others had when telling them his name. He then finds a recording interview with Rachel being told she would get an additional seventy-thousand whenever she consented to have sex with Caspian. Rachel is against it, but they tell she has to and offer to increase the payout. Caspian thinks of his most intimate moments with his fake girlfriend and finds a video of Holstrom thinking of what to name the clone. He then finds a video of his birth and finds himself being held by Holstrom as Pope, Renee, and Cary look at him. Caspian panics and runs to the background, leaning against a tree as he hyperventilates.

Not one, after, Maddie sits next to him. Caspian asks if she believes in the simulation theory and Maddie expresses how the world felt fake after her father died and how her life before that felt fake soon after. Caspian reveals he always had a feeling it was fake and that he now has no idea what he is. Maddie says her father is digital and laughs when Caspian says his real mother was a robot, he joins in soon after. Ellen walks by and smiles at the sight of the teenagers getting along.

Maddie takes Caspian to the basement and hands him a virtual reality headset and haptic gear. Caspian enters the server and is greeted by David and Laurie. When Caspian questions if they are real virtual beings. Laurie shows him the problem he solved. Caspian sees Laurie glitch and Maddie enters. Caspian says he has no idea if it is a code problem or not.

In Norway, Pope is informed by Van Leuwen Cary is in a Palo Alto hospital and Pope wonders why he would use his real name as Van Leuwen informs him Deirdre Ryan is in the city and not to contact Renee.

Cody returns to the Kim house and informs Ellen Cary will be alright. In the server, Caspian realizes the uploads have to much and suggests they rotate memory as Chonda arrives. Chonda states Laurie contacted his mother, but Laurie. David realizes Chonda has a key as Cody enters and tells Laurie not to engage. Chonda overclocks himself and the uploads and believes he is in the Pentagon. David reveals he is not as Chonda expresses surprise that they were not upload recently. Chonda begs for them to listen logs his full self onto the server. He takes David and Laurie to his home and shows them his upload and David and Laurie are shocked Chonda was awake. When David mentions the Pradads murders, Chonda states he always had trouble controlling his anger, and that it remained after his upload. Laurie realizes that the entities are uploads experiencing the final stages of the flaw and they assume Chonda uploaded him until Chonda says Prasad uploaded them and is shocked upon learning of the flaw.

At the same time, Cody, Maddie, and Caspian find themselves alone in the cabin when Chonda demands Caspian tell him how long it will take to fix the flaw. Caspian does not answer and says David and Laurie showed him his files. Chonda tries to leave to warn others but is stopped from leaving When asked what he means by others, Chonda reveals he sent blueprints to upload people to the governments of the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, Israel, Iran, and China. He selected these governments because he knew they would upload their best operatives and keep it secret. Chonda intends to change the UI's minds where they could see that they are more than human upon meeting him. David chastises Chonda for this as an unknown amount of people could die because of this along with the UIs. Caspian takes off his gear and leaves the house with Maddie following, trying to get him to stay. Caspian expresses his frustration as Maddie tries to say he is there for a reason. Caspian ignores her and drives off, giving it a month before everything falls apart.





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